Steve Tobin
Mar 8 – Apr 7, 2012
Contact: Cristin Longo or Beverly Cuyler
For more information call 561.241.3050 or
STEVE TOBIN: Sculpture
Opening Reception: March 8th, 2012 6 – 8 pm
BOCA RATON, FL (February 1, 2012) – Elaine Baker Gallery announces the upcoming exhibition of sculpture by
Steve Tobin. The exhibition opens on Thursday, March 8th and continues until April 7th, 2012.
Steve Tobin transforms the wonders of nature into steel, glass and ceramic sculpture. His allegorical works capture both the world we see and the meanings and implications overlooked. Tobin gained international acclaim in 2004 with the dramatic installation of the Trinity Root near Ground Zero in Lower Manhattan. This sculpture is a bronze cast of the stump and roots of a historic sycamore tree that saved St. Paul's Chapel on 9/11. The works titled Steel Roots are an expansion on this idea of hidden strength . Tobin’s glass sculptures include a series of translucent Doors intended to stop viewers' physical movement but allow their minds to enter. The artist’s cast bronze shoes reflect his interest in combining man and nature. Each shoe is displayed on a rack and filled with cookies, nuts or even a pastrami sandwich. While standing in front of the installation, the artist’s message of “you are what you eat” rings loud and clear.