Doug Argue
Yvonne Jacquette
Mauro Perucchetti
Metis Atash
Taher Jaoui
Jonathan Prince
Donald Baechler
James Joyce
Alessandro Puccinelli
Bill Barrett
Jun Kaneko
Peter Reginato
Tim Bessell
Scarlett Kanistanaux
David Remfry
Natvar Bhavsar
Deborah Kass
Larry Rivers
Andrew Blauschild
Alex Katz
JM Rizzi
Ross Bleckner
Kim Keever
Arsen Roje
Babette Bloch
William King
Ugo Rondinone
Stanley Boxer (Estate)
Wendy Klemperer
Jack Roth
Mr. Brainwash
Jeff Koons
Holton Rower
Curt Brill
Shay Kun
Richard Saba
James Brooks
Kx2 Ruth Avra & Dana Kleinman
Kikuo Saito
Lynn Chadwick
Matthew Langley
David Salle
Hilo Chen
Bonnie Lautenberg
Kenny Scharf
Dan Christensen (Estate)
Tom Leighton
Harald Schmitz Schmelzer
John Clement
Roy Lichtenstein
Ben Schonzeit
Matt Devine
Markus Linnenbrink
Hunt Slonem
Jean Dubuffet
Rob Lorenson
Jonathan Smith
Michael Dweck
Jane Manus
Donald Sultan
Gabriele Evertz
Donald Martiny
Patrick Tagoe Turkson
Christine Federighi
Gino Miles
Ernest Trova
Carole Feuerman
Luis Montoya and Leslie Ortiz
Tigran Tsitoghdzyan
Warner Friedman
Andy Moses
Boaz Vaadia
Max-Steven Grossman
Takashi Murakami
Isabelle van Zeijl
Dimitri Hadzi
James Austin Murray
Bernar Venet
Peter Halley
Udo Noger
Esteban Vicente
Michael Halsband
Doug Ohlson
Russell Young
Bradley Hart
Jules Olitski
Idan Zareski
Ignacio Iturria
Ruth Pastine
Larry Zox
See All Artists
Alex Katz at The Boca Raton | Tower Lobby
Drips, Stains & Pours at The Boca Raton | Yacht Club
Atlanta Art Fair 2024
Intersect Aspen 2024
Tom Leighton at The Boca Raton | Tower Lobby
Art Palm Beach + Contemporary 2024
Art Miami 2023
Warehouse Sale
Abstraction: A Selection
Palm Beach Modern + Contemporary 2023
Art Miami 2022
Palm Beach Modern + Contemporary 2022
Art Miami 2021
Market Art + Design | Hamptons 2021
Art Miami | Virtual Edition
Art Wynwood 2020
Palm Beach Modern + Contemporary 2020
Art Miami 2019
The Brushstroke Examined
Summer Selections II
James Austin Murray: Paintings
Art on Paper 2019
Tigran Tsitoghdzyan
Palm Beach Jewelry, Art & Antique Show 2019
Art Wynwood 2019
Palm Beach Modern + Contemporary 2019
Works from the 1980's
Art Miami 2018
Think Pink II
Go Figure...
Seattle Art Fair 2018
Art Aspen 2018
Market Art + Design Hamptons 2018
Art New York 2018
Celebrating Boaz Vaadia at the Ann Norton Sculpture Gardens
Art on Paper 2018
Volta NY 2018
Art Palm Springs
Palm Beach Modern + Contemporary 2018
Art Miami 2017
Kysa Johnson & Anne Lilly
Seattle Art Fair 2017
Market Art + Design Hamptons
Art New York 2017
Art Market San Francisco
Art on Paper 2017
Art Wynwood 2017
Art Palm Beach
Palm Beach Modern + Contemporary
Art Concept
Texas Contemporary
Art Southampton
Art New York
Art Boca Raton
Udo Nöger, Ruth Pastine & Donald Martiny: Paintings
Season Preview
Summer Selections
James Walsh: Paintings
25 Years 25 Artists
Jane Manus: Wall Works
Max-Steven Grossman: Bookscapes
Red + Black
The Bushell Collection
Think Pink
Jane Manus: Sculpture
Jonathan Prince
Lauren Olitski: Warm Up
Ben Schonzeit: Baked Goods
Natvar Bhavsar: Color Immersion
Stanley Boxer: Worksfromtheeightiesandnineties
Mauro Perucchetti Sculpture & Lluis Barba Photographs
Heiner Meyer: Paintings
Dan Christensen: Paintings & Jedd Novatt: Sculpture
Color Field
Jun Kaneko: Sculpture II
Peter Reginato: Sculpture
Boaz Vaadia: Sculpture
Steve Tobin
Jun Kaneko
Bill Barrett: Paintings & Sculpture
Patrick Hughes
Harald Schmitz-Schmelzer: Science of Color
Kikuo Saito: Paintings
Ben Schonzeit: Paintings
Stanley Boxer: Paintings
Dan Christensen: Paintings & Elaine Grove: Sculptures and Studies
Selections from The Art of Medicine: Refilled
M.C. Escher
Jun Kaneko: Sculpture
Important Small Works
Joseph Piccillo
Collectors & Collections
Jun Kaneko and Hunt Slonem
Peter Reginato and John Hardy
Rob Lorenson and Richard Saba
Dan Christensen: Paintings & Elaine Grove: Sculpture
Lynn Chadwick & Daniel Chadwick
Jun Kaneko: Ceramics
Doug Ohlson: Three Decades
See All Exhibitions
[select artist]
Argue, Doug
Atash, Metis
Baechler, Donald
Barrett, Bill
Bessell, Tim
Bhavsar, Natvar
Blauschild, Andrew
Bleckner, Ross
Bloch, Babette
Boxer (Estate), Stanley
Brainwash, Mr.
Brill, Curt
Brooks, James
Chadwick, Lynn
Chen, Hilo
Christensen (Estate), Dan
Clement, John
Devine, Matt
Dubuffet, Jean
Dweck, Michael
Evertz, Gabriele
Federighi, Christine
Feuerman, Carole
Friedman, Warner
Grossman, Max-Steven
Hadzi, Dimitri
Halley, Peter
Halsband, Michael
Hart, Bradley
Iturria, Ignacio
Jacquette, Yvonne
Jaoui, Taher
Joyce, James
Kaneko, Jun
Kanistanaux, Scarlett
Kass, Deborah
Katz, Alex
Keever, Kim
King, William
Klemperer, Wendy
Koons, Jeff
Kun, Shay
Kx2 Ruth Avra & Dana Kleinman,
Langley, Matthew
Lautenberg, Bonnie
Leighton, Tom
Lichtenstein, Roy
Linnenbrink, Markus
Lorenson, Rob
Manus, Jane
Martiny, Donald
Miles, Gino
Montoya and Leslie Ortiz, Luis
Moses, Andy
Murakami, Takashi
Murray, James Austin
Noger, Udo
Ohlson, Doug
Olitski, Jules
Pastine, Ruth
Perucchetti, Mauro
Prince, Jonathan
Puccinelli, Alessandro
Reginato, Peter
Remfry, David
Rivers, Larry
Rizzi, JM
Roje, Arsen
Rondinone, Ugo
Roth, Jack
Rower, Holton
Saba, Richard
Saito, Kikuo
Salle, David
Scharf, Kenny
Schmitz Schmelzer, Harald
Schonzeit, Ben
Slonem, Hunt
Smith, Jonathan
Sultan, Donald
Tagoe Turkson, Patrick
Trova, Ernest
Tsitoghdzyan, Tigran
Vaadia, Boaz
van Zeijl, Isabelle
Venet, Bernar
Vicente, Esteban
Young, Russell
Zareski, Idan
Zox, Larry
[select type]
Ceramic Sculpture
Mixed Media
Wall Sculpture
Work on Paper
that meet selected criteria
that meet selected criteria
M.C. Escher
Metamorphosis II (B. 320) Signed
Knots (B. 444) Signed and Annotated Eigen Druk (Printed by Myself)
Fish (B. 442)
Moebius Strip II (Red Ants) (B. 441) Signed
Waterfall (B. 439) Signed, Edition III 47/103
Ascending and Descending (B. 435) Signed, Edition /
Flatworms (B. 431) Signed , Edition 30/53
Belvedere (B. 426) Signed, Edition III 32/50
Plane Filling II (B. 422) Signed, Edition 6/56
Regular Division of the Plane I: Red (B. 416)
Regular Division of the Plane II: Black (B. 417)
Regular Division of the Plane II: Red (B. 417)
Regular Division of the Plane III: Black (B. 418)
Regular Division of the Plane III: Red (B. 418)
Regular Division of the Plane IV: Black (B. 419)
Regular Division of the Plane IV: Red (B. 419)
Regular Division of the Plane V: Black (B. 420)
Regular Division of the Plane V: Red (B. 420)
Regular Division of the Plane VI: Black (B. 421)
Regular Division of the Plane VI: Red (B. 421)
Whirlpools (B. 423) Signed and Annotated Eigen Druk (Printed by Myself)
Print Gallery (B. 410) Signed, Edition 3/47
Convex and Concave (B. 399) Edition II 3/44
Order and Chaos II (Compass Card) (B. 402)
Three Worlds (B.405)
ex libris Wertheim (B. 394)
Tetrahedral Planetoid (B. 395) Signed and Annotated Eigen Druk (Printed by Myself)
M is een Muis (Mouse) (B. 393)
Earth (New Year's Greeting Card 1953) (B. 382)
Earth II (New Year's Greeting Card 1953) (B. 382)
Fire (New Year's Greeting Card 1955) (B. 384)
Predestination (Topsy-Turvy World) (B. 372) Signed, Edition 12/47
Devils, vignette (B. 370)
New Year's greeting card, 1951, L. & K. Asselbergs (B. 371)
Order and Chaos I (Contrast) (B. 366) Signed, Edition 14/43
Rippled Surface (B. 367) Signed and Annotated Eigen Druk (Printed by Myself)
New Years's Greeting card 1949 - L. and K. Asselbergs (B. 360)
Other World (B. 348) Signed and Annotated Eigen Druk (Printed by Myself)
ex libris: de Bruyn (B. 341)
New Year's greeting card 1947, Nederlandsche Ex Libris- Kring, The Hague (B. 345)
Three Spheres I (B. 336) Signed
Encounter (B. 331) Edition II 11/32
ex libris A.M.E. van Dishoeck (B. 329)
ex libris: D.H. Roodhuyzen (B. 325)
ex Libris: Bookplate Dr. P.H.M. Travaglino (B. 321)
ex libris: G.H.'s Gravesande (B. 322)
Day and Night (B. 303) Signed and Annotated Eigen Druk (Printed by Myself)
Program for St. Matthew Passion (B. 302)
Sky and Water II (B.308) Signed and Annotated Eigen Druk (Printed by Myself)
Het Bezwaarde Hart: vignette for cover and page 3 (B. 299)
Scarabs (B. 273) Signed, Edition of 12
Nocturnal Rome: Colonnade of St. Peter's (Portico of Bernini) (B. 250) Signed
Still Life with Mirror (B.248) Signed, Edition 7/24
Cathedral of Cefalu, Sicily (B. 220) Signed, Edition 6/24
Scholastica Suite: Initial 0 (page 27) (B. 204)
Scholastica Suite: Initial D (page 7) (B. 192)
Scholastica Suite: Initial T (page 10) (B. 193)
Scholastica Suite: Vignette (page 28) (B. 205)
The Hamlet of Turello (B. 209)
Scholastica Suite: Illustration, Page 11 (B.194)
Scholastica Suite: Illustration, Page 15 (B.197)
Scholastica Suite: Illustration, Page 25 (B.203)
Scholastica Suite: Illustration, Page 5 (B.191)
Cobwebs (B.154)
Covered Alley in Altrani (B. 150)
Emblemata Suite: Anvil (B. 163) Edition 257/300
Emblemata Suite: Balance (B. 178) Edition 257/300
Emblemata Suite: Beehive (B. 174) Edition 257/300
Emblemata Suite: Buoy (B. 166) Edition 257/300
Emblemata Suite: Butterfly (B. 180) Edition 257/300
Emblemata Suite: Cactus (B. 181) Edition 257/300
Emblemata Suite: Candle Flame (B. 172) Edition 257/300
Emblemata Suite: Dice (B. 179) Edition 257/300
Emblemata Suite: First Title Page (B. 159) Edition 257/300
Emblemata Suite: Flint (B. 171) Edition 257/300
Emblemata Suite: Frog (B. 175) Edition 257/300
Emblemata Suite: Kite (B. 165) Edition 257/300
Emblemata Suite: Lute (B. 164) Edition 257/300
Emblemata Suite: Padlock (B. 185) Edition 257/300
Emblemata Suite: Palm (B. 167) Edition 257/300
Emblemata Suite: Retreat (B. 183) Edition 257/300
Emblemata Suite: Second Title Page (B. 160) Edition 257/300
Emblemata Suite: Signpost (B. 173) Edition 257/300
Emblemata Suite: Squirrel (B. 176) Edition 257/300
Emblemata Suite: Steam Roller (B. 170) Edition 257/300
Emblemata Suite: Sundial (B. 169) Edition 257/300
Emblemata Suite: Table of Contents (B. 161) Edition 257/300
Emblemata Suite: Toadstool (B. 177) Edition 257/300
Emblemata Suite: Vase (B. 162) Edition 257/300
Emblemata Suite: Watering Can (B. 184) Edition 257/300
Emblemata Suite: Weather Vane (B. 168) Edition 257/300
Emblemata Suite: Well (B. 182) Edition 257/300
Flower Lillies (B.156)
Santa Severina, Calabria (B. 144) Signed, Edition 14/40
ex libris: B.G. Escher (B. 91)
Flor de Pascua: Convention (B.70)
Flor de Pascua: Fulfillment (B.72)
Flor de Pascua: Scapegoat (B.69)
Metamorphosis II (B. 320) Signed
Knots (B. 444) Signed and Annotated Eigen Druk (Printed by Myself)
Fish (B. 442)
Moebius Strip II (Red Ants) (B. 441) Signed
Waterfall (B. 439) Signed, Edition III 47/103
Ascending and Descending (B. 435) Signed, Edition /
Flatworms (B. 431) Signed , Edition 30/53
Belvedere (B. 426) Signed, Edition III 32/50
Plane Filling II (B. 422) Signed, Edition 6/56
Regular Division of the Plane I: Red (B. 416)
Regular Division of the Plane II: Black (B. 417)
Regular Division of the Plane II: Red (B. 417)
Regular Division of the Plane III: Black (B. 418)
Regular Division of the Plane III: Red (B. 418)
Regular Division of the Plane IV: Black (B. 419)
Regular Division of the Plane IV: Red (B. 419)
Regular Division of the Plane V: Black (B. 420)
Regular Division of the Plane V: Red (B. 420)
Regular Division of the Plane VI: Black (B. 421)
Regular Division of the Plane VI: Red (B. 421)
Whirlpools (B. 423) Signed and Annotated Eigen Druk (Printed by Myself)
Print Gallery (B. 410) Signed, Edition 3/47
Convex and Concave (B. 399) Edition II 3/44
Order and Chaos II (Compass Card) (B. 402)
Three Worlds (B.405)
ex libris Wertheim (B. 394)
Tetrahedral Planetoid (B. 395) Signed and Annotated Eigen Druk (Printed by Myself)
M is een Muis (Mouse) (B. 393)
Earth (New Year's Greeting Card 1953) (B. 382)
Earth II (New Year's Greeting Card 1953) (B. 382)
Fire (New Year's Greeting Card 1955) (B. 384)
Predestination (Topsy-Turvy World) (B. 372) Signed, Edition 12/47
Devils, vignette (B. 370)
New Year's greeting card, 1951, L. & K. Asselbergs (B. 371)
Order and Chaos I (Contrast) (B. 366) Signed, Edition 14/43
Rippled Surface (B. 367) Signed and Annotated Eigen Druk (Printed by Myself)
New Years's Greeting card 1949 - L. and K. Asselbergs (B. 360)
Other World (B. 348) Signed and Annotated Eigen Druk (Printed by Myself)
ex libris: de Bruyn (B. 341)
New Year's greeting card 1947, Nederlandsche Ex Libris- Kring, The Hague (B. 345)
Three Spheres I (B. 336) Signed
Encounter (B. 331) Edition II 11/32
ex libris A.M.E. van Dishoeck (B. 329)
ex libris: D.H. Roodhuyzen (B. 325)
ex Libris: Bookplate Dr. P.H.M. Travaglino (B. 321)
ex libris: G.H.'s Gravesande (B. 322)
Day and Night (B. 303) Signed and Annotated Eigen Druk (Printed by Myself)
Program for St. Matthew Passion (B. 302)
Sky and Water II (B.308) Signed and Annotated Eigen Druk (Printed by Myself)
Het Bezwaarde Hart: vignette for cover and page 3 (B. 299)
Scarabs (B. 273) Signed, Edition of 12
Nocturnal Rome: Colonnade of St. Peter's (Portico of Bernini) (B. 250) Signed
Still Life with Mirror (B.248) Signed, Edition 7/24
Cathedral of Cefalu, Sicily (B. 220) Signed, Edition 6/24
Scholastica Suite: Initial 0 (page 27) (B. 204)
Scholastica Suite: Initial D (page 7) (B. 192)
Scholastica Suite: Initial T (page 10) (B. 193)
Scholastica Suite: Vignette (page 28) (B. 205)
The Hamlet of Turello (B. 209)
Scholastica Suite: Illustration, Page 11 (B.194)
Scholastica Suite: Illustration, Page 15 (B.197)
Scholastica Suite: Illustration, Page 25 (B.203)
Scholastica Suite: Illustration, Page 5 (B.191)
Cobwebs (B.154)
Covered Alley in Altrani (B. 150)
Emblemata Suite: Anvil (B. 163) Edition 257/300
Emblemata Suite: Balance (B. 178) Edition 257/300
Emblemata Suite: Beehive (B. 174) Edition 257/300
Emblemata Suite: Buoy (B. 166) Edition 257/300
Emblemata Suite: Butterfly (B. 180) Edition 257/300
Emblemata Suite: Cactus (B. 181) Edition 257/300
Emblemata Suite: Candle Flame (B. 172) Edition 257/300
Emblemata Suite: Dice (B. 179) Edition 257/300
Emblemata Suite: First Title Page (B. 159) Edition 257/300
Emblemata Suite: Flint (B. 171) Edition 257/300
Emblemata Suite: Frog (B. 175) Edition 257/300
Emblemata Suite: Kite (B. 165) Edition 257/300
Emblemata Suite: Lute (B. 164) Edition 257/300
Emblemata Suite: Padlock (B. 185) Edition 257/300
Emblemata Suite: Palm (B. 167) Edition 257/300
Emblemata Suite: Retreat (B. 183) Edition 257/300
Emblemata Suite: Second Title Page (B. 160) Edition 257/300
Emblemata Suite: Signpost (B. 173) Edition 257/300
Emblemata Suite: Squirrel (B. 176) Edition 257/300
Emblemata Suite: Steam Roller (B. 170) Edition 257/300
Emblemata Suite: Sundial (B. 169) Edition 257/300
Emblemata Suite: Table of Contents (B. 161) Edition 257/300
Emblemata Suite: Toadstool (B. 177) Edition 257/300
Emblemata Suite: Vase (B. 162) Edition 257/300
Emblemata Suite: Watering Can (B. 184) Edition 257/300
Emblemata Suite: Weather Vane (B. 168) Edition 257/300
Emblemata Suite: Well (B. 182) Edition 257/300
Flower Lillies (B.156)
Santa Severina, Calabria (B. 144) Signed, Edition 14/40
ex libris: B.G. Escher (B. 91)
Flor de Pascua: Convention (B.70)
Flor de Pascua: Fulfillment (B.72)
Flor de Pascua: Scapegoat (B.69)
Hover for a preview..