Tom Leighton at The Boca Raton | Tower Lobby


PRESS RELEASE: Tom Leighton at The Boca Raton | Tower Lobby, Oct 30, 2023 - Apr  1, 2024

Tom Leighton at The Boca Raton | Tower Lobby
Oct 30, 2023 – Apr 1, 2024

Tom Leighton is an artist, photographer and printmaker, with a fascination with architectural structure and form. Trained at the Royal College of Art in London, he expertly layers and manipulates his photographic images, creating work which is both beautiful and provocative, encouraging us to imagine different possibilities for the world around us.

Leighton’s close and conjectural explorations are about environments both natural and constructed. Travelling between ancient cities and the most futuristic developments of Hong Kong and the Middle East, he works with buildings and cityscapes which are part of an international iconography.

Leighton's elaborate images ask about our cities and what they might become. He raises questions about how we live and move within the urban centre, how populations can cope and adapt to challenging expansion and change. In posing these questions, the images are nonetheless beautiful; Leighton seeks beauty in everything, from functional buildings to the most ornate architecture. He repeats motifs in unexpected places, repositions existing structures and contrasts the natural and the artificial: bright city lights set against natural night skies, concrete against greenery, business against eerie nighttime stillness.