Patrick Hughes


Patrick Hughes Biography

Patrick Hughes' works invite the viewer to experience the relation between the self and the work of art. With their rhythmical shapes and meticulously painted surfaces his witty combinations of painting and sculpture not only illustrate multiple points of view from a three-dimensional perspective, but defy the senses with a dizzying sense of paradoxical motion.

Hughes' signature 'stick-out' paintings begin their life as several trapezoidal or conical board constructions are fused together into pristine wall reliefs. The inherent repetition of each structure sets the tone for its unique theme, which is then rendered with meticulous attention. Much like an architect, Hughes utilizes linear perspective in conveying spatially correct relationships, painting the edges of rectangular shapes to converge on vanishing points, painstakingly rendering the texture gradients of floors and walls and illustrating objects in perspective as diminishing in size from front to back. As enticing as a spider';s web to a moth, Hughes' 'paradoxical on perspective' becomes more complex with every line. His three-dimensional sceneries not only defy the static sense of a painting as frozen in time, but also reverse the apparent sense of perspective, where shapes that seem near are actually receding in space. This effect, referred to as perverspective in Hughes' terms, contradicts the viewer's perceptions by giving the impression that the paintings are moving sideways. While moving our head to look at one of Hughes' works, we experience the eerie sensation of accelerated motion of body extension, which gives was to curious observations whereupon one seems compelled to pace from side to side to accentuate the motion.  This perplexing stance is often referred to as the 'Hughes dance.' 



Solo Exhibitions

1961       Portal Gallery, London

King Street Gallery, Cambridge

1963       Portal Gallery, London

1965       Hanover Gallery, London

1970       Angela Flowers Gallery, London

1971       Angela Flowers Gallery, London

1973       Angela Flowers Gallery, London

1976       Angela Flowers Gallery, London

Jordan Gallery, London

Wills Lane Gallery, St. Ives, Cornwall

1977       Newlyn Orion Galleries, Newlyn

1978       Angela Flowers Gallery, London

Tom Caldwell Gallery, Belfast

Tom Caldwell Gallery, Dublin

Gallery 39, Manchester

1979       Penwith Galleries, St. Ives, Cornwall

Limited Editions, London

1980       Alberta College of Art, Canada

Angela Flowers Gallery, London

1981       Mendelson Gallery, Pittsburgh, USA

Gallery 39, Manchester

1983       Angela Flowers Gallery, London

Bede Gallery, Jarrow

Edward Weston Galleries, New York

Mendelson Gallery, Pittsburgh, USA

Hereford City Art Gallery, Hereford

1985       Angela Flowers Gallery, London

Studio Show, London (Watercolours)

1986       Studio Show, London (Watercolours)

Salthouse Gallery, St. Ives, Cornwall

1988       Angela Flowers Gallery, London

50 Watercolours, Dean Clough Art Gallery, Halifax

1989       Fifteen Years of Prints 1973-1988, Flowers East, London

1990       Flowers East, London

1991       Worthing Museum and Art Gallery

Northern Centre for Contemporary Art, Sunderland

Flowers East, London

1992       Beyond the Rainbow, Flowers East, London

1993       Made in Perspective, Flowers East at London Fields, London

The Shadow of War and Other Works, Angela Flowers Gallery, London

1994       Vanishing Points, City Art Galleries, Manchester

Retroperspectives, Flowers East at London Fields, London

1995       Belloc Lowndes Fine Art, Chicago

1996       Superspectives, Flowers East at London Fields, London

Patrick Hughes at Susan Kasen Summers, New York

1997       Deutsche Museum, Munich, Germany

Lexus Centre, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Studio Show, London

Reverspective, Flowers East at London Fields, London

Patrick Hughes Multiples, Belloc Lowndes, Chicago

1998       Perspectivity, Flowers West, Santa Monica, California

Perverspective, Flowers East at London Fields, London

Gallery of Modern Art, Glasgow

1999       The Movies, Flowers West, Santa Monica, California

Deeperspective, Flowers East at London Fields, London

Susan Duval Gallery, Aspen

2000       Louis K Meisel, New York

Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago

Multiple Perspectives, Belloc Lowndes Fine Art, Chicago

Improperspective, Flowers West, Santa Monica

Reverse Perspectives, Mira Godard Gallery, Toronto

2001       Properspective, Flowers East, London

Park Ryu Sook Gallery, Seoul, Korea

Flowers Central, London

Louis K.Meisel, New York

Hyperspective, Flowers West, Santa Monica

2002       Flowers East at London Fields, London

Riperspective, Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery, Birmingham

Belloc Lowndes Fine Art, Chicago

2003       Whopperspective, Flowers East, London

Certain Realities, Mira Godard Gallery, Toronto, Canada

Percepspective, Artower, Athens

Experspective, Flowers West, Santa Monica

Park Ryu Sook Gallery, Korea

Jo Hyun Gallery, Korea

2004       Doors Etc, Flowers New York

Art Chicago, Chicago

Galerie Vieleers, Amsterdam

Midland Center for the Arts, Michigan

Pam Smart Gallery, Aspen, Colorado

Louis K. Meisel Gallery, New York

Flowers Central, London

2005       Reverspective, Dennos Museum Center, Traverse City, Michigan

Mendelson Gallery, Pittsburgh

Keller & Green Gallery, Los Angeles

Impossible, Flowers East, London

Perplexspective, Flowers New York

2006       Shaperspective, Scott Richards Contemporary Art, San Francisco

Permanentspective, Flowers East, London

 2011      Elaine Baker Gallery, Boca Raton, FL


Group Exhibitions

1961       John Moores, Liverpool

1962       Critics Choice, Tooth's Gallery, London

New Approaches to the Figure, Arthur Jeffries, London

Drawing Towards Painting, Arts Council

1963       John Moores, Liverpool

1965       Premio Lissone, Milan

1967       Exeter Festival of Surrealism

1968       Apollinaire Show, ICA, London

1969       Play Orbit, ICA, London

John Moores, Liverpool

1970       Ten Sitting Rooms, ICA, London

Lane Gallery, Bradford

1971       Postcards, Angela Flowers Gallery, London

1972       John Moores, Liverpool

1973       Drawing Biennale, Middlesborough

Angela Flowers 10, Arts Council Gallery, Edinburgh

Earnshaw and Hughes, Ferens Art Gallery, Hull

1974       Bradford Print Biennale

British Painting, Hayward Gallery, London

Small Paintings, Angela Flowers Gallery, London

1975       Chichester Open Exhibition

Drawing Biennale, Middlesborough

Dada after Dada, JPL Fine Arts, London

Envelopes, JPL Fine Arts, London

Collage, Angela Flowers Gallery, London

1976       5th International Print Biennale, Bradford

An Octet from Angela Flowers, Gulbenkian Gallery, Newcastle-upon-Tyne

Doors, Camden Arts Centre, London

Small is Beautiful Part II, Angela Flowers Gallery, London

The Deck of Cards, JPL Fine Arts, London

Dartist, Newlyn Orion Galleries, Newlyn, Cornwall

Prints and Other Things, Wills Lane Gallery, St Ives, Cornwall

1977       Third International Drawing Biennale, Middlesborough

Westward TV Open Competition, Truro

Miniatures, Coracle Press, London

Tolly Cobbold/Eastern Arts, Cambridge

Crown Art Exhibition, Reed House, London

South West Artists, Artists Market, London

To The Lighthouse, Wills Lane Gallery, St. Ives, Cornwall

British Artists Prints 1972-1977, Scandinavia

1978       The Transformation Review, Angela Flowers Gallery, London

Surrealism Unlimited, Camden Arts Centre, London

Foundlings, Coracle Press, London

Coriander Studio Prints, Curwen Gallery, London

John Moores, Liverpool

Coriander Studio Prints, Jordan Gallery, London

Metamorphoses, Kettle's Yard, Cambridge

1979       Mixed Graphics, Aberbach Fine Art, London

6th International Print Biennale, Bradford

Flowers, Francis Kyle Gallery, London

Tolly/Cobbold Eastern Arts, 2nd National Exhibition

Contemporary Art for Charterhouse Street, London

14 Artists' Portfolios, Graffiti, London

Cleveland Drawing Biennale

5th Westward TV Open Art Competition

A Cold Wind Brushing the Temple, Arts Council of Great Britain

The British Art Show, Arts Council of Great Britain

1981       5th Cleveland Drawing Biennale

Badges, Angela Flowers Gallery, London

1982       Twelve by Twelve, Leicester Museum and Art Gallery

Snow, Angela Flowers Gallery, London

Coriander Studio, Thumb Gallery, London

Interiors, Curwen Gallery, London

1983       6th International Biennale of Humour and Satire, Gabrova, Bulgaria

Images for Today, Brighton Polytechnic

Small is Beautiful Part III, Angela Flowers Gallery, London

1984       Trapping the Elusive, Gardner Arts Centre, University of Sussex and touring

The Monoprint Show, Angela Flowers Gallery, London

In The Spirit of Surrealism, Bradbury & Birch, London

1985       Big Paintings, Angela Flowers Gallery, London

A View from my Window, Angela Flowers Gallery, London

5th Tolly Cobbold/Eastern Arts, Cambridge

1986       Contrariwise, Glynn Vivian Art Gallery, Swansea

Flower Show, Stoke on Trent Museum and touring

Sixteen Artists: Sixteen Years, Angela Flowers Gallery, London

Humour in Art, Cleveland Art Gallery

Surrealist Revelation, James Birch Gallery, London

1987       Drawings Summer '87 - Angela Flowers Gallery, London

On a Plate, Serpentine Gallery, London

Southampton General Hospital - Art Project

Small is Beautiful Part IV: Landscape, Angela Flowers Gallery, London

Sixteen Artists, Process and Product, Turnpike Gallery, Leigh

1988       Surrealism is Dead: Long Live Surrealism, Crawshaw Gallery, London

Contemporary Portraits, Flowers East, London

Small is Beautiful Part VI, Flowers East, London

Freedom: A Celebration of Artists and Illustrators, Flowers East, London

Les Coleman and Patrick Hughes, Dean Clough Gallery, Halifax

1989       Big Paintings, Flowers East, London

Angela Flowers (Ireland) Inc., Co.Cork, Ireland

Art LA '89, Los Angeles

The Advent Calendar, Gallery North, Kirby Lonsdale

Drawn to Humour, Cleveland Gallery

A Tribute to Cubism, Blackman Harvey, London

Tricks and Transformations, City Museum and Art Gallery, Hanley

1990       Angela Flowers Gallery 1990, Barbican Concourse Gallery, London

A Permanent State of Lucidity, John Bonham Murray Feely Fine Art, London

Badge Art Two, Flowers East, London

Rainforest Festival Art Auction, Bonhams, London

Art 21'90 Basel, Switzerland

Cubism, Blackman Harvey, London

1991       Small is Beautiful Part VIII, Flowers East, London

Funny Looking, Liege, Belgium

Flowers East at Watermans, Watermans Art Centre, London

The Large Print Show, Jill George Gallery, London

1992       Artist's Choice, Flowers East, London

The Downeen Collection, Crawford Gallery, Cork

Brittle Winds, John Bonham Murray Feely Fine Art, London

British Art comes to St Helena, St Helena

1993       But Big is Better, Flowers East, London

New Work, Flowers East at London Fields, London

Small is Beautiful Part XI: Homages, Flowers East, London

1994       After Redoute, Flowers East, London

The Downeen Decade, Angela Flowers Gallery (Ireland) Inc., Co Cork, Ireland

Small is Beautiful Part XII: Night and Day, Flowers East at London Fields, London

1995       Patrick Hughes and Alison Watt at Riverside Studios, London

The Twenty Fifth Anniversary Exhibition, Flowers East at London Fields, London

Flowers at Koplin, Koplin Gallery, Los Angeles

Small is Beautiful Part XIII: Food and Drink, Flowers East, London

1996       Angela Flowers (Ireland) Inc., Co. Cork, Ireland

Patrick Hughes and Jeffery Edwards at the Riverside Studios, London

Small is Beautiful Part XIV: Sex, Flowers East at London Fields, London

The Print Show, Flowers Graphics, London

Belloc Lowndes Fine Art, Chicago

1997       Angela Flowers Gallery 1997, Flowers East at London Fields, London

Angela Flowers (Ireland) Inc., Co. Cork, Ireland

Print, Riverside Studios, London

Small is Beautiful Part XV: Death, Flowers East at London Fields, London

Belloc Lowndes Fine Art, Chicago

1998       Susan Duval Gallery, Aspen

Rene Magritte and Contemporary Art, Museum voor Moderne Kunst, Ostend

Small is Beautiful, Part XVI:Music, Flowers East, London

1999       Surrealism: Two Private Eyes, Solomon R Guggenheim Museum, New York

Perspective, Kunsthalle Budapest, Hungary

Extrasensory Museum, commemorating the birth of MC Escher, Fukuoka, Tokyo & Nagasaki, Japan

Louis K. Meisel, New York

Small is Beautiful Part XVII: Millennium, Flowers East at London Fields, London

2000       OdaPark, Venray, Netherlands

Angela Flowers Gallery 30th Anniversary Exhibition, Flowers East, London

Le Collège à la Collégiale, Collégiale Saint-André, Chartres

Ubu in UK, Mayor Gallery, London

Landscape, Mira Godard Gallery, Toronto

Small is Beautiful Part XVIII: Self-Portrait, Flowers East at London Fields, London

2001       Near and Far, Louis K Meisel, New York

British Art Show, British Consulate, New York

2002       Head On: Art with the Brain in Mind, Science Museum, London

2003       Post Industrial Landscape, Czech Museum of Fine Art, Prague

2004       Six Real Painters, Flowers Central, London

Genialmente, l'arte e Cervello, Science Area Park, Trieste

2005       35th Anniversary Exhibition, Angela Flowers Gallery, London

Genialmente, l'arte e Cervello, Science Area Park, Trieste

Small is Beautiful 2005, Flowers East, London