Jonathan Prince’s sculptures are full of contradictions as they evoke the work of 20th century masters while referencing ancient artifacts. His work is principally concerned with exposing a material’s latent power, many suggesting the fluid quality of metal in liquid form but captured in a solid state. Ellipses, spheres and cubes are intentionally interrupted by the artists hand to infer the discovery of something ancient. Prince refers to this body of work as "Fragments” where he suggests a form, but does not fully fabricate the piece. His partial creation allows the mind to complete recognizable shapes, asking his audience to be active viewers. Many sculptures appear to be torn, allowing Prince to introduce a wholly different surface, imbuing the work with a dynamic quality of evolving, of genesis. His intelligent use of steel is key to the visual success of these works; the oxidized or polished steel form is incised to introduce an interplay of surface texture and patina that connotes an improbable plasticity to the material.
Dorthy Joiner (Sculpture Magazine, August 2012) commented: “While Plato considered the objects of sensuous reality to be mere shadows and saw perfection only in geometric forms apprehended by the intellect, Prince prefers a marriage of form and accident, the one complimenting the other. And to this union - to borrow from Yeats - a “terrible beauty is born.”
Education Columbia University, University of Southern California
Palm Beach Modern + Contemporary, Palm Beach FL, Sponder Gallery, January 12 - 15
Art Wynwood, Miami, Florida, Baker Sponder, February 11-15
Art 15 London, London, England, CYNTHIA-REEVES, May 21-23
Art Miami New York, Baker Sponder Gallery, May 14-17
Art Central Hong Kong, CYNTHIA-REEVES, March 14 - 16
Sculpture in The Civic Center, Newport Beach CA, April 2015 – August 2016
Subtle, Not Subtle: Evocative Nuance, West Branch Gallery and Sculpture Park, February 14 - June 3
Art Miami, Miami FL, CYNTHIA-REEVES, December 2 - 7
Art Silicon Valley / San Francisco, San Mateo, CA, CYNTHIA-REEVES , Oct. 9 - 12
Art Southampton, Southampton, NY, Sponder Gallery, July 24 - 28
Exposed, Helen Day Art Center, Stowe VT, July 1 – October 15
Downtown Fair, New York, NY, CYNTHIA-REEVES, (work selected for Public Art area) May 8 - 11
Baker Sponder Gallery, Boca Raton FL (solo exhibition) April 5 – May 5
Substrate of Nature, Group Show, CYNTHIA-REEVES New England, March 7 – April 26
Art 14 London, London England, CYNTHIA-REEVES, February 28 – March 2
Art Wynwood International Contemporary Art Fair, Miami, FL, Baker Sponder Gallery, Feb 13 - 17
Sponder Gallery, Miami FL (solo exhibition), February 6 – April 1
Light / Dark Jonathan Prince at Pier 64, Hudson River Park, New York, NY Extended to July 15
Art Miami, CYNTHIA-REEVES, December 3 – 8
Art Toronto, Toronto, Canada, CYNTHIA-REEVES, October 25 – 28
Light / Dark Jonathan Prince at Pier 64, Hudson River Park, New York, NY, October 10, 2013 – March, 2014
Art Southampton, Southampton, NY, CYNTHIA-REEVES, July 25 - 29
The Solo Project Art Fair, Basel Switzerland, CYNTHIA-REEVES, June 12 – 16
Pulse New York Contemporary Art Fair, CYNTHIA-REEVES May 9-12
Sculpture Now at The Mount – Featured Artist with George Rickey and Richard Erdman, June – October, 2013
Connectivity – McColl Center for Visual Art, Charlotte, North Carolina, April 26 – June 15
Art 13 London, London England, CYNTHIA-REEVES, February 28 – March 3
Art Wynwood International Contemporary Art Fair, Miami, FL, CYNTHIA-REEVES, February 15 - 18
Art Miami, CYNTHIA-REEVES, December 4 - 9
Texas Contemporary Art Fair, Houston Texas, CYNTHIA-REEVES Oct.18 - 21
Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, New York City Dept. of Parks & Recreation in collaboration with CYNTHIA-REEVES Projects and BCN Development October 10, 2012 - April, 2013
Jonathan Prince – Works in Stone CYNTHIA-REEVES Projects in partnership with ABC Stone, Brooklyn, NY November 1 2012 – January 2013
ARTRAGEOUS Art Auction, New York, NY June 4 , 2012
SculptureNow 2012 (Featured Artist) Lenox,MA June 9 – October 27
artMRKT San Francisco, CYNTHIA-REEVES, San Francisco, CA May 17- 20
Fernando Luis Alvarez Gallery – New Work, Stamford, CT April 1 – May1
Art Wynwood International Contemporary Art Fair, Miami, FL, CYNTHIA-REEVES, February 17—20
New Work, Christie’s Sculpture Garden at 535 Madison Avenue in collaboration with CYNTHIA-REEVES Projects, Park Tower Group and Christie’s New York, NY, February 9 – October 2012
Art Miami, CYNTHIA-REEVES, December 4 - 8
TX Contemporary Art Fair, Houston, TX, CYNTHIA-REEVES, October 20 - 23
Torn Steel, 590 Madison Ave Sculpture Garden Solo Show in collaboration with CYNTHIA-REEVES Projects, New York, NY, September 15, 2011 – January 10, 2012
Morrison Gallery, Kent Connecticut, April 23 - May 29
SOFA New York, CYNTHIA-REEVES, New York, NY, April 13 - 17
Frieze Art Fair (Impossible Exchange) London, England
Ferrin Gallery, Pittsfield, MA
Primo Piano Gallery, Lecce, Italy
Belushi Pisano Gallery, Martha’s Vineyard, MA
Primo Piano Gallery, Lecce Italy
Belushi Pisano Gallery, Martha’s Vineyard, MA
Design Trust For Public Space, New York, NY
Lascano Gallery, Great Barrington, MA
Heavy Metal Rock Star, Keni Nooner, TRODENT Magazine, Spring 2013
The Shape of Now, Anastasia Stanmeyer, Berkshire Magazine, June 2013
Jonathan Prince’s Sculpture to the Sun, Mike Welton, Architects + Artisans Oct 25 2012
Jonathan Prince’s newest sculpture, G2V, at Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, Untapped Cities, October 16,2012, Abby Thomas
Jonathan Prince Recasts Ancient Objects, Berkshire Eagle Sept 19, 2012
SculptureNow Brings Art to Masses, Berkshire Record, June 15, 2012
The Installation of an Installation – Jonathan Prince at 535 Madison, NY Observer February 12, 2012
The (not so) Fine Art of Unveiling an Exhibit – The Wall Street Journal, Feb. 9, 2012
Confronting the Monumental, Dorothy Joiner, World Sculpture News, 2012
Jonathan Prince: Torn Steel, Dorothy Joiner, Sculpture Magazine, March – April 2012
A Compelling New Series, World Sculpture News, Autumn 2011
Art on the Way, James Balestrieri, American Art Collector, January 2012
Contemporary Artist Jonathan Prince at Sculpture Garden in New York City, Edward Rubin, NY Artes Magazine, October 2011
New York City – Art is Everywhere, Suitcase Ready, February 17, 2012
New Art to Play With on Madison Avenue, Marina Galperina , Animal, February 2012
Art Basel: Art Week in Miami, The Miami Herald, December 7, 2011
Breaking Boundaries, Christina Garofalo, Robb Report NYC, October 5, 2011
Jonathan Prince Studio Visit, Accessible Art NY, August 2011
Jonathan Prince Presents “Torn Steel”, Whitewall Daily, August 2011
Glimmering Gored Sculptures, Meghan Young, Trend Hunter, September 2011
Group Exhibition 6: Review, Cynthia Nadelman, ARTnews, September 2011
7 Sculptors to Watch, Christine Temin, Art New England, June – August 2010
These New York Collectors Develop Artsy Buildings, ArtKabinett, June 26, 2011